In my practice, I've had the privilege of drawing inspiration from some remarkable books that have guided both my approach and the journeys of those I've had the honour to work with. These books delve into the fascinating world of relationships, intimacy, and personal growth. Let's explore a selection of them. Here is a list of reads that I recommend.
*Hold Me Tight is also available in other languages
Romanian:Ține-mă strâns în brațe
Dutch: Houd me vast
French: Serre-moi fort
German: Halt mich fest
Danish: Hold mig - en vejviser til varig kærlighed
Hungarian: Ölelj át!
Czech: Držme se pevně
Serbian: Zagrli me cvrsto
Polish: Przytul mnie
Russian: Обними меня крепче
Lithuanian: Laikyk mane tvirtai
Spanish: Abrázame fuerte
Portuguese: Abrace-Me Apertado
Greek: Κράτα με σφιχτά
Chinese: 依恋与亲密关系
Finnish: Kunpa sinut tuntisin paremmin - keskustelemalla tunnekeskeiseen parisuhteeseen
Persian: مرا محکم نگه دار